12/16/2004 ~ New pictures are up! Check out the Shutterfly Link
above. Soon all of the new pictures on here will be there. The old ones we will keep here...thanks guys!
8/26/2004 ~ New pictures are up! Check out Summer '04 under
*~*Friends Pictures*~*. There are also new/updated material under Inside Jokes. Enjoy!
8/25/2004 ~ It's been awhile since I last updated and I decided
that we needed some changes. Hope you like them! More pictures from the summer are coming as soon as I can get them
on here. Send me any if you have! Thanks so much!
Who said that I couldn't have a makeover
once in a while? Hard to believe, right?
Finally I have devoted some of my "free time"
to changing this place around! I have been doing a lot of that lately, lol. I hope you enjoy the semi-improved going
ons. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE send me pictures to add on, just click 'Contact Me' and they'll be up here A.S.A.P!! Thanks.
Click on the 'Friends' section to find some new pictures, hmm...The city pictures are still available to see as well as some
new inside jokes! Let me know what you think! Make sure to sign my guestbook and leave some feedback. Thanks guys for
everything!! Luv u all, mwah!
Don't forget to sign my guestbook! I would love to hear your feedback on my website! Thanks so much and
have fun!! :o)
I would like to dedicate this page to my best friend, Taylor, who, kept me company on that Tuesday morning. Her and I had
both witnessed a historical event. Both of us were in the city that day and I was going to take her to a concert for bday
that night. She had told me while we staring at the horrible site, "I rather be here and die with my friend than die
alone." Of course we did not die but then I knew how much I meant to her and how our friendship will never die. And I
hope all of you at least have one friend like I do. I love you Taylor! And I also send my love to all the families of victims
and the victims who had to witness it close-up, like me and my best friend.